
Rules and Regulations

Below you will find all of the rules and regulations posted by the CCMHL.

1. Rules:

1.1 Registration

a)        All players participating in games must be on the team’s roster or signed on to the game sheet as an emergency fill in (spare player)

b)        Team reps are responsible for who dresses for their team. Each team rep must ensure that all players dressing for their teams have been registered with the CCMHL or has signed the game sheet

c) Each team will be allowed to use as many spare players needed but spares can only be used if you have less than 10 players on your roster for the game eg: 8 rostered players allow you to use 2 “spares” /call ups) Spares must wear one of the team’s jerseys and have a number. The spare player must be on game sheet. If a team plays spare players and have the minimum required roster players at the game the team forfeits the 2 points to the opposing team unless the player has approval from the league.

1.2 Team Roster

a)        Teams must have 5 skaters and a goalie to start the game, once the minimum number skaters and goalie are in the arena the game will start (team will play shorthanded or minus a goalie)

b)        Teams will be given a ten (10) minute grace period from the beginning of the first period to meet the player requirements, if a team does not have a goaltender and the required five (5) skaters after the ten (10) minute grace period, the ref will call the game a default and the other team will be awarded the two (2) points.

c)        If during a game, through player ejection(s), a team’s roster is less than 5 skaters and a goalie the game will continue and that team will play shorthanded.

d)       If, through ejection(s)/ suspension/ injury, a goaltender is unable to complete the game, the team has the following options:

 • Dress a player in goaltender equipment. Play will resume with six (6) skaters until alternate goalie is ready.

• Play will continue with six (6) skaters until the game is over. If a team does not have a goalie they automatically lose if the game goes to a shootout

e)        When a default is called, the referees will award a 1-0 victory. The ice time is then considered a shinny. The team not forfeiting players will be credited as a game played.

f)         If a team has insufficient number of players or fails to show up, the game is forfeited. Ice time may be used as practice or shinny for both teams. Team Rep is responsible for ensuring a team with the minimum skater requirements are met for each game. If a game is declared forfeit due to not meeting the minimum skater requirements the forfeiting team will forfeit the 2 points and each player on the forfeiting teams roster will be assed a 5 min major and 10 min misconduct penalty. The team not meeting the minimum skater requirement will also be fined by the opposing team and the league. ($300.00). If a team fails to pay the fine they will be removed from the league with no refund.

g)        A goaltender or player may only be on one roster.

•         Teams must exhaust the CCHML spare goalie list prior to asking a league goalie to sub, during playoffs if a team’s qualified goalie is unable to play only goalies from the CCMHL goalie sub list are eligible to play.

k)        League players may spare for other teams with league approval (if a league player playing as a spare player is involved in a suspendable action he will serve a suspension that is double the length as a standard league suspension, if the player is assessed a major penalty he will serve a minimum 2 game suspension).

l)         Team’s are not allowed any spare players in the last 7 games of the regular season or playoffs.

m)      Suspensions are league suspension, not team suspension. A player who is suspended may not play in any other league games until his suspension has been served. If a player is suspended playing for Team ‘X’, then only games involving Team ‘X’ will count towards the suspension.

n) Each player must be assigned a number that will be registered as theirs for the entire season and playoffs.

1.3 Uniforms

a)        The sweaters will be numbered with a permanent number and no two players may wear the same number.

b)       Each team must have matching jerseys for each roster player. Matching socks are recommended.

c)        Teams must have proper designation for captain and up to 3 alternate captains or 4 alternate captains on their jerseys.

d)        The home team is responsible for wearing dark colored jerseys, the away team is responsible for wearing white/ light colored jerseys.

 1.4Protective Equipment

a)        CSA approved helmets with properly secured chin straps are mandatory, players are required to where all protective equipment however shoulder pads are optional at the players own risk.

 b)       Face Visors (properly mounted) and mouth guards are highly recommended.

c)        Goaltenders must wear a mask with face protection and adequate protection at the back of the head.

d)        Oversized goalie equipment is not allowed

e)         All equipment must be safe and inadequate condition. All equipment at any time is subject to change or alteration at the discrepancy of the on ice official.


2.1 Player and Goaltender substitution

a)        Team rosters will be frozen November Dec 1st 2023 at 12:00pm Mtn Time. If a team is found using a player that has not been registered or signed the game sheet as an emergency fill in, the team will forfeit the game. (Players may be added to the roster after it is frozen but is subject to league review and approval). Rosters can only be a maximum of 22 players.

b)       All Players must be 18 years or older to play in the CCMHL.

c)        Roster players must play a minimum of 10 regular season games to be eligible for the playoffs. Players will only get credit for playing games if the game sheet is filled out, no exception. (If for extreme reasoning a player cannot play the minimum number of regular season games he may apply to the league to be granted playoff status eg: Broken bone, serious illness, bereavement.) Players over the age of 45 (1974 birth year) automatically qualify for playoffs regardless of the number of games played.


3.1 Game Format

a)        Ice slots are 90 minutes (Win=3 Points, Overtime Win=2 Points Overtime loss = 1 Point, Ties=1 Point)

• Warm up 5 minutes

• 1st period 20 minute run time

• 2nd period 15 minute run time

 • Flood

• 3rd period 20 stop time

• Overtime 5 minutes (Run time)

• Teams will switch ends after every period (regular time and overtime)

b)        The clock will continue to run if a major time delay takes place (major injury, major facility problem). The clock will stop for a maximum of 45 second, after the 45 second has ended the clock will start to run, teams will be warned once for slow play second offence will result in a minor penalty.

 c)       The Game format will change to run time in the 3rd period only at the referee’s discretion.

d)        If a regular season game ends in a tie, there will be a 5-minute overtime. Teams will switch ends immediately after the regular time ends, format will be 3 on 3 (sudden death). The 5 minutes will be run time.

e)        Playoff games ending in a tie, there will be a 5 minute stop time overtime. Teams will switch ends immediately after the regular time ends, format will be 4 on 4/sudden death. If the game is still tied the format will change to 3 on 3 5 minute run time periods with teams switching ends at the end of each period

f)         Game sheets will be emailed to each Team Rep who is to print off and bring to each game. Each team is responsible for filling out the game sheet. If game sheets are not filled out players may not be credited for playing in the game.

g)        If only one referee makes the game, it will be played under a one ref system

h) If a league provided score keeper cannot make the game either team can supply a score keeper (the replacement score keeper will be paid) or a player from either team or rotating players from either team to run the score clock and the game will be played under regular format, if a score keeper is unavailable the game format will go to two 33min run time periods with a flood between periods.

 3.2 General Rules

a)        Slap shots are allowed

b)        Body contact is allowed, Body checking (separating player from puck) is prohibited

c)        The 5 second line procedure will be in effect

 • If a team takes too long to line up the puck will be dropped and play resumed.

d)        Offside’s, Icing & puck over the Glass

• The red line will not be used when considering two line passes. Red line will not be used in icing

• Automatic icing will be in effect; if a defending player has a reasonable chance to make a play on the puck icing will be waived off (this will be at the referee’s discretion).

• The defensive blue line will be the determining line for icing.

• The offending team will not be allowed to change during an icing call

• Delayed offside will be in effect

• If the puck is shot over the glass and is not tipped or deflected no penalty will be called, the face off will be moved to the offending teams zone and the offending team will be prohibited from making a line change, if the offending team makes a line change a delay of game penalty will be given. An injured player may be permitted to change with the referee’s approval.

e)        If an opposing player shoots the puck and it directly hits the goalies mask, the play will be whistled dead (at the discretion of the referee), the puck is considered dead at contact with the goalie mask, the ensuing face off will occur inside the attacking zone.

f)         Contact with Goalies will be a minor penalty; contact with goalies of excessive force will result in a double minor or major penalty at the referee’s discretion.

g)        One 30 second time out per team is allowed

h)        If a team is short handed during the run time portion of the game and the team takes a second penalty the clock will stop and start at the next puck drop (ensures opposing team gets all of their 5 on 3 time).

i)   Person’s not participating in the on ice play of the game are not permitted on the bench for any circumstances.

3.3 Regular Season Schedule

 a)       Teams will play 28 regular season games and all the 8 teams will make playoffs.

b)       Ties are worth 1 point

3.4 Penalties and Suspensions  

The CCMHL will use the Canadian Hockey Association (CSA) rules as a guideline but they are not in force.

• Teams will be forced to change on the fly when shorthanded, teams may change on a whistle when one of the following occurs

1) either team scores a goal

2) either team is assessed a penalty

3) there is an injury to a player on ice. Shorthanded changes after a whistle will result in a Delay of Game penalty.

• Penalties are 3 minutes for run time periods

•Penalties are 2 minutes for stop time periods

• When a penalty is assessed the face off will be moved to the offending teams zone.

• If any player playing as a spare is assed 3 minor penalties he will be ejected from the game, he will leave the game before the start of his 3rd penalty, a player from the team will need to serve the penalty.

• If a player playing as a spare gets a major penalty, he is ejected from the game and will be suspended from playing in the CCMHL for the remainder of the hockey season.

• If a player is assessed a double minor for roughing, a 10-minute misconduct will also be assessed to the offending player.

• If a player is assed a major penalty during a game the player will be automatically ejected from the game (additional 10 min game ejection penalty will be added) and the major penalty will be reviewed by the referees and the league for further suspension.

• If a player is assed a 10 minute game ejection penalty in the final 10 minutes of the game, the player will be assessed a 1 game suspension

• The CCMHL has the rights to extend suspensions for repeat offenders


 Penalties include but not limited to:

• Minor penalty (2 mins ): Roughing, Tripping, Hooking, Slashing, Holding, Interference, Unsportsmanlike, Bench Minor, Too Many Men, Instigator, High Sticking without Blood, Delay of Game, Body Contact,  Roughing After the Whistle, Cross checking & Elbowing.

• Double Minor (4 mins): accidental high stick with blood

• Major Penalty (5 mins): Hitting from Behind, High sticking with Blood, Body Checking with Intent to Injure, Spearing, Boarding & Charging

• Misconduct; Player will serve a 10 min penalty (team will not be shorthanded) player may return to the game after he has served the full length of the penalty. This will be at the referees discretion. 

• Game Misconduct: player will be ejected from the game and 10 minutes added to their penalty minute totals (if issued in the final 10 minutes of the game or overtime a 1 game suspension will be served)

 • Game Ejection: Player is ejected from the game (no extra penalty minutes added)

• Match Penalty or Gross Misconduct: player is ejected from the game, 10 min. penalty time is added to player, length of suspension to be issued at the CCMHL discretion

 • Fighting:

• 1st fighting major penalty will result in a 5-minute major penalty, a 10-minute game ejection and a minimum 2 game suspension will be served, 2nd fighting major will result in a 5-minute major penalty, a 10 minute game ejection and a minimum 6 game suspension will be served. 3rd fighting major penalty player is suspended for the remainder of the regular season and playoffs, if the team has 5 or less remaining regular season games the suspension will carry over to the first 10 games of the next season the player registers in (3rd fight = season ban = 10 game suspension).

• A player who removes his glove(s) in a fighting action will receive a 5-minute major penalty, a 10-minute game ejection and serve a 1 game suspension

• Abuse of Official Penalty: will result in a major penalty and a 10-minute game ejection, players who continue verbal or physical abuse towards an official will be suspended accordingly

• Intent to injure: will result in a 5 min major penalty, 10 min game ejection and an indefinite suspension until further league review

• Three stick infractions: if a player commits three stick infractions, on their 3rd stick infraction they will be assessed a game ejection penalty and another player will be required to serve the penalty (stick infractions include- high stick, slash, crosscheck, spear and butt ending)

• Any Player who is ejected from the game must leave the ice surface immediately and go straight to their dressing room. After changing, the player must either leave the rink area or stay in the dressing room until the game is completed.

• Players serving suspensions are not allowed on the team bench or in the arena hallways during game play, players violating this will be suspended from the arena by the Town of Penhold, Alix, Lacombe and Red Deer and all other cities where the CCMHL plays.

• Verbal abuse of an off -ice official will result in a 2 game suspension, and further review by the league

• Suspensions may be reviewed by the league; if needed reviews will include all team captains or a team designate. Depending upon the results of the review the suspension may by shortened or lengthen at the leagues discretion (A monetary charge of $200 will occur to cover the time of parties to hear the appeal)

3.5 Penalty Limits

a)        When a player accumulates 60 penalty minutes he will serve a 1 game suspension, at 70 penalty minutes he will serve a 2 game suspension, at 80 minutes he will serve a 3 game suspension, at 100 minutes he will be suspended for the remainder of the regular season and playoffs (after 80 minutes the player will serve at a minimum 5 games, the length of suspension will be reviewed by the CCMHL and additional games may be added to the total at the discretion of the CCMHL). Penalty minutes will not reset during the season.

4.  Game Changes

a)        The only way a game will be rescheduled is if the league feels it has not taken into consideration the player’s needs.

b)        Any rescheduled games will be dependent on Ice availability.

c)        The CCMHL has the right to amended or adjust any rules at any point in the season as it sees fit (with the authorization “majority vote” from the league captains or designate.

d) No action lies against the on ice or off-ice officials for anything done or not done by any of them in good faith while exercising their powers and performing their duties under these rules.

5.  Other

• If a team is kicked out of the league, they will not receive a refund of fees.

• Suspensions are reviewed but CCMHL Commissioner

• Suspensions/repeat offenders will be reviewed yearly.

• Go Pros and cameras will be used by refs and fans to make rulings.

Coming soon.

Coming soon.